Sunday, 3 August 2014


The Steinway and Sons inspired staircase featured in the back ground of my image is showcased in the ideal setting - ELEGANCE - TRANSCENDENCE - TRANQUILLITY
I allowed for my natural landscape to flow over into this space as it brings a more pleasant and organic feel to the overall room ambience. I incorporated more natural aspects into the space (trees, flowers and wood) to draw from the original design/concept of craftmanship of Steinway and Sons allowing it to link more directly to Heston Blumenthal on a structural and materialistic basis.

The "glass bowls" I used for my building should resemble a display case design to showcase art in its purest form. The simplicity and transparency of the building highlights the true beauty in the design and how two completely opposite design mentalities can intertwine and combine to form something so pure and beautiful.

The Mushroom design in the " Heston Blumenthal" inspired design is a more direct link to his creative and imaginative spirit as it literally embodies mushroom shapes. I used Mushrooms for more of a personal input as I find the shape and nature of the organism fascinating. It inspires the creation of new ides, shapes and materialistic factors of a design. They are beautiful, complex and fascinating from all aspects.